“Belief is more powerful than fact. When you alter your thoughts,
your emotions, and your actions, you alter your destiny.”
International Bestselling Author, Angie Fenimore

Powerful Story Design
Page-turning storytelling isn’t about talent. Effective story design is math and science. Breathtaking paintings, interior design, architecture, music composition is math and science. Math and science are creative mediums. Writing is no different.
There are writers who seem to easily crank out masterful stories, but the truth is that they just do that math without knowing they’re doing it. It’s evident in a piano virtuoso who never studies music theory, or a brilliant athlete who reinvents the game. They have extraordinary math skills that they express creatively. And, they are tapped into their creative genius.
We’ve reversed engineered what the masters do. And we teach you the real science behind the kind of storytelling that conjures the emotions that move readers. Having access to this technology makes all the difference.
When You Want To Quit
You are designed to tell stories. And you are designed to overcome adversity. We actually thrive in conditions of competition, adversity, and failure…to a point. Have you ever noticed that when everything in your life is smooth sailing, that’s when you

either become complacent, or you start waiting for, or privately predicting the next calamity? Or more accurately, the next failure.
There is a great deal of new science that explains this phenomenon. The bottom line is that your brain expects you to fail. As a result your brain has designed a number of coping mechanisms that have become your default modus operandi, or MO. The one that wreaks the most havoc as a writer is this: when you are disempowered, you will shelve that project.
All your brain needs in order to set in motion a series of disempowering survival strategies that insure that your manuscript never gets written is the thought that you will fail. Sometimes, a single thought that you won’t ever get published is enough to stop you from writing. The thought that people might hate your book if it is published is enough. Or worst of all, you have the thought that they won’t care. The fear that you’ll be met with indifference…that’s the biggie. And it’s your soul on the page.
The CALLIOPE Method removes the experience of failure. We’ve designed our coaching techniques to be completely supportive. In short, you’ll complete that writing project. Your voice will be preserved. Your story will be yours. And, if you are coachable, your manuscript will be praiseworthy and marketable.

Stand-Out Brand
With over 600,000 titles released in
the U.S. alone each year, you have to
stand out if you are going sign with a
respected literary agent, land a book
deal, and then actually sell books. Intentionally designing your brand will have more impact on your success
than you can imagine. Whether you like it or not, you already have a brand. Your brand might be “painfully shy.” It might be, “invisible.” Your brand might be, “buy my book, buy my book, buy my book,” none of which works if you intend to be a successful author.
Your brand, what you are committed to, is the umbrella under which your platform is built. With Calliope, you distill your own authentic presence, and then we teach you how to grow your following, and how to present yourself with ease and confidence.
Getting Past The Gatekeepers
If you are going to be published, if you are going to be a career author, you must be interested in impressing the gatekeepers. While we support authors to find success in self-publishing, (and make no mistake,

there are certain writers, in certain genres who would be wise to self-publish) there is nothing that quite compares in credibility and in having a book reach the widest possible audience than being traditionally published with an impressive house.
And if you want to be traditionally published, you’re going to need a respected literary agent. Calliope Writing Coach is known in the industry for connecting our writers with top-tier, top deal-making literary agents. But more than that, we train you in how to land that pitch before you get that one shot.
Our CALLIOPE Inner Circle participants have access to The CRUCIBLE, our exclusive pitch conference. We’re at 100% for participants receiving submission
requests from literary agents and publishers out of this event. That’s a big deal. And we’ve led this course for hundreds of writers over the last 5 years.

Nourishment When You Need It
Rather than fire-hosing you with useless, empty-calorie information, you will learn, step-by-step, what you need to know and do to produce a compelling manuscript, as you need each step. Story design, branding and
marketing, empowerment, access to top literary agents, and nailing that pitch…this is your access to success.
We liken building a successful career as a writer to making cookies. If you are missing sugar, you can’t just add more butter and expect to get cookies. You need all of the ingredients, in the right order, and in the right amounts. When you have the foundation then you can, and should, add your own embellishments.
Angie and Michael are amazing! They teach you to believe in yourself and your
message. My manuscript went from ordinary to extraordinary. I have learned so much!
I was missing the power behind my message. Top agents and publishers have now requested my manuscripts. I highly recommend CALLIOPE Writing Coach!
I love the quality of the training videos and the simplicity of Calliope’s powerful
writing concepts. Having weekly support keeps me on track!

Photo Credit: Emily London Portraits | www.EmilyLondonPortraits.com
Our Mission
CALLIOPE is the third daughter of Zeus, the muse of epic poetry. It’s not just our belief that every human being is born with creative genius, the proof is in the pudding.
We don’t believe in waiting for inspiration to drop in like a storm so that you have to run out with your bucket to collect a little writing gumption. And you don’t need a muse. You are the muse. Together, we are all Calliope. As a writers’ conference junkie, I always had the experience that I was never quite
enough, or worse, that I was a fraud. But I wasn’t the problem. It’s the old conversation, the old mentality that is so pervasive in the publishing community…only a few very talented writers should expect success. If you’ve never been to a writers’ conference, we heave a sigh of relief. That makes our job of undoing the damage so much easier. If you have attended conferences, then you likely know what I’m talking about.
We’ve deleted those exhausting beliefs, and even certain well-known writing terms from our vocabulary. We don’t believe in “critiquing.” We don’t believe in “rejection.” It’s our stand that every person who has a story to tell can “cause” their dreams into reality.